Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!
Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!
Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!
Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!

Painting Teamevent Basel

Your painting experience in Basel

  • Dauer: 2 bis 3 Stunden
  • ab 65.— pro Person
  • 4 bis 500 Personen
  • Basel


Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!

What is it about?

The painting team events take place in a contemporary artspace. During the event, all stages of the painting process are demonstrated in real time – the artist-instructor paints the picture together with the team. Thanks to the step-by-step guidance, the artwork becomes manageable for everyone, even for those who have no previous artistic experience. After two to three hours, you will have something really worth while to take home.

Art Teamevent

The artworks you can choose from are grouped into various themes and levels. Pick a painting according to your team’s taste and time frame. In case you already have an idea in mind, or you would like to paint something made especially for your team, don’t hesitate to let us know – we will do our best to figure out something that you will really love hanging on your wall!


4 bis 500 Personen
ab 65.— pro Person

Our doors are open all year long.


We do speak English, German, French, Italian and Hungarian


2 bis 3 Stunden
  • depending on the individual needs of the group and also on the picture the team would like to paint
  • On request, it might be possible to organise the event in any location
  • On request, it is also possible to organise a catering service.
  • 2-3 hour long step-by-step professional guidance and assistance with the painting
  • all materials (brush, canvas, paints, apron etc.)
  • the participants can take their painting home in the end
  • group photo 

Standort Basel


Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!
Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!
Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!
Having a team event in our atelier is an ideal alternative for a creative recreation and recharge after the never-ending days of work. If you are curious about experiencing something beyond words and logic, look no further!
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Painting Teamevent Basel


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  • Pauschal Preis ab 1200.—
  • Basel
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  • ab 85.— p.P.
  • Basel
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  • ab 159.— p.P.
  • Basel
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  • ab 85.— p.P.
  • Basel
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  • 15—250
  • ab 80.— p.P.
  • Basel