How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.

SolarBuddy: "The Hour of Power"

Fun and Impactful Team Building to Illuminate Futures (CSR Team Event)

  • Dauer: 1 bis 2 Stunden
  • ab 79.— pro Person
  • 12 bis 500 Personen
  • Ortsunabhängig


How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? 

This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.


This fun and collaborative team-building event is not your typical competitive activity; it offers a highly positive outcome and educational experience, highlighting and advancing the cause of tackling energy poverty. It delivers a real impact with a high Social Return on Investment (SROI).

The statistics regarding the number of people worldwide who are living in energy poverty – defined as people with no access to safe and reliable sources of lighting – are truly shocking, and this collaborative group-based activity seeks to impact this one light at a time.

SolarBuddy is an Australian-based company and registered charity, and we are honoured to be the exclusive Swiss provider for this team building activity to the corporate market.

Since 2016 SolarBuddy has gifted Hundreds of thousands of solar lights, illuminating the lives of nearly 1 million people across 19 different countries.

The Impact does not stop at just providing reliable indoor lighting, each and every SolarBuddy light also allows the child receiving the light to study 78% longer, improving their educational outcomes.

A single SolarBuddy light reduces a family’s average weekly expenditure on kerosene by 80%, improving the family’s finnancial security and safety.This in turn reduces exposure to toxic and dangerous fumes which has the potential
to increase overall health of women and children by up to 60%. Offsetting 1.28 tonnes of CO2 over 10 years, The equivalent to growing 21.3 tree seedlings over the same period.

The activity itself is designed to be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action and Partnerships to achieve the goals.


1. The lead presenter will give a powerful presentation that is designed to educate the attendees about energy poverty, and the devastating effects that it has on those affected in marginalised communities and emerging economies in particular.

2. After the presentation, to strengthen team spirit and guarantee many laughs two people will form a pair to assemble a uniquely designed, solar-powered lamp designed specifically for children.

3. Once completed, the guests will then write a personalised letter which will be delivered alongside the device, as a way of further connecting with a child who is presently living in energy poverty. 

The lights - together with your letters - are then delivered to a distribution country, where the local NGO Partner distributes this gift of light into the hands of those in need. 

The children truly cherish these gifts, which will accompany them throughout their school years as reliable "buddy" they can always count on.

"The Hour of Power" is a dynamic 60-minute event, as the name suggests. We also offer extended 90 or 120-minute sessions for even more fun and collaboration for your team. Contact us for more details!

What is included

• Presenter and Facilitators;
• Solar lights which will be gifted by you;
• A letter to the child receiving the light;
• Distribution of lights to children living in energy poverty, even in the most remote areas of the planet;
• SolarBuddy offers reparation services and provides a 10-year warranty on the lights. Additionally, they ensure environmentally friendly disposal of both the lights and batteries at the end of their life cycle;

Sustainability holds a high priority in our CSR events.


12 bis 500 Personen
1 bis 2 Stunden
ab 79.— pro Person

Standort Ortsunabhängig


How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
How to have fun, build team spirit, and make an impact in just one hour? This highly powerful collaborative activity will see your attendees tasked with assembling a Solar-powered light – for distribution to children living in countries of extreme energy poverty, specifically in the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, India, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
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SolarBuddy: "The Hour of Power"


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