Explore the exquisite beauty of the Bernese Oberland, an awe-inspiring region in Switzerland that unveils the mesmerizing vistas of the Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger mountains. This breathtaking landscape is a canvas of natural wonders, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring elements such as cascading waterfalls and dramatic gorges within the stunning Lauterbrunnen valley.
Explore the exquisite beauty of the Bernese Oberland, an awe-inspiring region in Switzerland that unveils the mesmerizing vistas of the Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger mountains. This breathtaking landscape is a canvas of natural wonders, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring elements such as cascading waterfalls and dramatic gorges within the stunning Lauterbrunnen valley.
Explore the exquisite beauty of the Bernese Oberland, an awe-inspiring region in Switzerland that unveils the mesmerizing vistas of the Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger mountains. This breathtaking landscape is a canvas of natural wonders, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring elements such as cascading waterfalls and dramatic gorges within the stunning Lauterbrunnen valley.

Best of Bernese Oberland Tour

Visit one of the most beautiful areas in Switzerland

  • Dauer: ganzer Tag
  • Pauschal Preis ab 1075.—
  • 1 bis 6 Personen
  • Berner Oberland


Explore the exquisite beauty of the Bernese Oberland, an awe-inspiring region in Switzerland that unveils the mesmerizing vistas of the Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger mountains. This breathtaking landscape is a canvas of natural wonders, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring elements such as cascading waterfalls and dramatic gorges within the stunning Lauterbrunnen valley.

A more detailed look

Here are some of the highlights waiting to be discovered:

  • Brunig Pass and Viewpoint: Traverse the scenic Brunig Pass, offering panoramic views, with an optional stop at Hergiswil Glasi to delve into local craftsmanship.

  • Aare and Rosenlaui Gorges: Choose between the striking Aare Gorge, where glacial waters have sculpted narrow limestone cliffs, or the captivating Rosenlaui Glacier Gorge, a wonderland of waterfalls and tunnels showcasing the force of glacial water crashing into the valley below.

  • Grindelwald and Brienz Mountain Villages: Immerse yourself in the charm of these traditional Swiss villages, with Brienz renowned for its exquisite wood carvings.

  • Giessbach Falls and Hotel: Wander along the path to behold the renowned Giessbach Falls, a spectacle of nature. Indulge in a memorable lunch at the majestic Giessbach Hotel, nestled amidst this natural marvel.

  • Isenfluh and Sulwald Viewpoints: Discover the captivating viewpoints of Isenfluh and Sulwald, offering picturesque perspectives of the surrounding landscapes.

  • Trümmelbach and Staubbach Falls: Venture into the hidden marvel of Trümmelbach Falls, tucked inside a mountain, to witness the extraordinary sight of glacial waters cascading down the immense walls of the Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau mountains, reaching up to an astounding 20,000 liters per second.

The best one day trip

Embark on an enriching journey along the Brunig Pass, perhaps pausing at Hergiswil Glasi if desired, and then immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry at the Swiss outdoor museum, Ballenberg. From there, choose between the enchanting Aare Gorge or the captivating Rosenlaui Glacier Gorge, each offering a unique perspective on the power of nature. Nearby, discover the legendary Reichenbach Falls, forever etched in history through the tales of Sherlock Holmes.

Brienz, steeped in tradition, welcomes you with its renowned woodcraft, while a short drive leads to the majestic Giessbach Falls and its accompanying hotel, perfect for a serene lunch amid nature's grandeur.

If time allows, proceed to the concealed wonders of Trümmelbach Falls, a testament to the raw force and beauty of glacial waters descending from the towering walls of the Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau mountains.


1 bis 6 Personen
ganzer Tag
Pauschal Preis ab 1075.—

Pick up locations: Luzern, Zürich, Interlaken, Basel

Standort Berner Oberland


Explore the exquisite beauty of the Bernese Oberland, an awe-inspiring region in Switzerland that unveils the mesmerizing vistas of the Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger mountains. This breathtaking landscape is a canvas of natural wonders, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring elements such as cascading waterfalls and dramatic gorges within the stunning Lauterbrunnen valley.
Explore the exquisite beauty of the Bernese Oberland, an awe-inspiring region in Switzerland that unveils the mesmerizing vistas of the Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger mountains. This breathtaking landscape is a canvas of natural wonders, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring elements such as cascading waterfalls and dramatic gorges within the stunning Lauterbrunnen valley.
Explore the exquisite beauty of the Bernese Oberland, an awe-inspiring region in Switzerland that unveils the mesmerizing vistas of the Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger mountains. This breathtaking landscape is a canvas of natural wonders, offering a myriad of awe-inspiring elements such as cascading waterfalls and dramatic gorges within the stunning Lauterbrunnen valley.
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Best of Bernese Oberland Tour


Edle Tapeten, Seeblick, majestätische Berge. Geniessen Sie ihr Frühstück auf der Sonnenseite und lassen Sie sich von uns verwöhnen. Das Schloss-Frühstück servieren wir Ihnen täglich ab 8.30 Uhr bis 11.00 Uhr.
  • 4—40
  • ab 39.— p.P.
  • Berner Oberland
Kreativität, Teamgeist und vor allem Spass und Kindheitserinnerungen entstehen bei diesem ganz besonderen «Grand Prix.»
  • 30—150
  • ab 1.— p.P.
  • Berner Oberland
Perfekter Event für Ihre Kunden, Ihre Mitarbeiter oder Ihrem Team - aussergewöhnlicher Gruppenausflug mit dem Cabrio-Panorama-Bus! Dieser erlebnisreiche Ausflug startet direkt vor Ihrer Haustüre. Geniessen Sie die grandiose Bergwelt von Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau. Mit der Gondelbahn geht es hoch zur Mittelstation Bort. Nach einer Stärkung aus dem eigenen Rucksack geht es dann mit dem Trottibike talwärts, wo ein Braukunst-Rundgang mit anschliessenden Bierapéro und Whiskyverkostung Ihren Tagesausflug abrundet. Unser Fahrservice bringt Ihre Gruppe sicher wieder nach Hause zurück.
  • 10—30
  • ab 155.— p.P.
  • Berner Oberland
In Gruppen eingeteilt kreieren Sie Ihre eigenen Kunstwerke im Stile Tinguelys. Lassen Sie der Kreativität freien Lauf… Die Aktivität weckt die gestalterischen Fähigkeiten der einzelnen Teammitglieder, welche ihre Vorstellungen und Ideen zu einem gemeinsamen Objekt verbinden werden.
  • 10—20
  • ab 95.— p.P.
  • Berner Oberland, Ortsunabhängig
Werden Sie Konstrukteur und Erbauerin einer Brücke über die Schlucht und ziehen Sie am gleichen Strick! - Die luftige Challenge
  • 7—30
  • ab 1.— p.P.
  • Berner Oberland, Emmental
Was gibt es faszinierenderes, als einen gefrorenen Wasserfall? Tauchen Sie mit Ihrem Team in eine Welt von Eiszapfen ein. Sie erleben die Faszination, einen Eisfall hochzuklettern. Stärken Sie in Ihrem Team das Vertrauen, welches die Teilnehmer beim Klettern zueinander haben müssen, und fördern Sie so den Teamzusammenhalt.
  • 6—25
  • ab 266.— p.P.
  • Berner Oberland